Friday, January 21, 2011

Over it.

Remember when people didn't know what you did from one day to the next? I do, it was before Facebook. I vow from this day forward to not put dumb personal blurbs up on FB anymore. In fact, I am not even posting status updates that have anything to do with my personal life. I have noticed that everything I put up can be totally misread or read into only to be completely misconstrued. 99% of the time, I am just typing out of my ass. I promise I don't sit around and think of what to update on FB, or how my status post is going to affect you. Who does that? Not me. Goodbye personal Facebook status updates.
P.s. Don't ask me questions on FB that you don't want answers to..
P.p.s. Just because I don't announce it on Facebook doesn't mean I am hiding it.


JMarie said...

Okay, I thought this post deserved some sort of explanation. I got an email on Facebook stating that "Your life story is really hard to follow. Why didn't you post your status as divorced? I mean, you have, like, 10 boiz commenting on all your status posts on any given day OMG! Seriously-- WTF Jules! I was liek OMG I thought you were just a big ho cuz ur married!". Needless to say, this girl, whom I have not seen since JR. year of high school is no longer on my Facebook.

J Cubed said...

LOLOL!! That is why you leave them behind in high school!! Love you.

PS - I'd follow you .....if I knew how. :-)

La Yen said...

Oh, but you're OUR big ho!