Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday's thoughts

First: I have an awesome husband. He took one for the team (my team) and took A to go see Nanny Mc Phee and her gruesome mole. Wouldn't that be great if that was the actual title of the movie? Anyways, it gave me a chance to rekindle a relationship with my old fling: Nothing.
               Dear Nothing, 
We rarely get to see each other anymore, and I'm sorry that I have been spending so much time with Something lately. I miss you. The way we didn't do much of anything while the hours flew by, the way you didn't pester me for attention. I just wanted you to know, Sweet Nothingness, that I will always be here...waiting for the chance to waste time with you again.

Things that I did today while doing nothing: 
Watched Mama Mia by myself 
Walked around Nordstrom
Flat Ironed my hair
Played with makeup
Changed my outfit twice.

 It was AWESOME.

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