Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Buy Old! A few thoughts about thrift.

I am a big believer and lover of all things retro..If it came from 1982 or earlier it should belong in my home. There are certain things that I will only buy "old" because they are, simply, made better. For instance, I purchased a new Emerson record player less than 4 years ago and the turn table is already off balance and the needle needs to be replaced. Today I purchased a 1981 Playtime brand Sesame Street record player that works better than the Emerson ever did. Boy do I have egg all over my face!
Another example of something you should "buy old" is Pyrex. New Pyrex is way over priced and will most likely blow up in your oven at some point in time. Go to Savers and buy your bakeware there- it is cheaper, will probably have an awesome pattern and is a lot sturdier than your WalMart's Anchor or Pyrex sets (but only buy the Pyrex. Any other brand is inferior).
Other things you should definitely consider checking the local Good Will for before you run to Target are: Books (especially kids books- you can find some gems at the thrift store!), bicycles, furniture, big kid's toys (i.e. doll houses) and musical instruments. 
For you first timers out in Blogland, if you are a little apprehensive about touching things that have passed through stinky or dirty hands (which a lot of thrift store junk has), bring some antiseptic wipes to the store with you. Before you touch it give it a little wipe down and POOF good as new.
A seasoned thrifter should never leave the house without: Hand sanitizer, an extra reusable shopping bag (because thrift stores tend to buy REALLY crappy plastic bags that break and cause the set of Snoopy collector glasses you just bought to shatter), and a cleaned out trunk or back seat. Who knows if you are going to find a Schwinn Sting Ray, that will have to take up most of your car's space, on this trip today?
I hope you feel inspired, have a renewed thrifting spirit this summer and keep me posted of your awesome finds!

1 comment:

Jess Craig said...

ha, i went thrifting today too. i got basic kid toys though. nothing cool. but as far as old pyrex goes, i have a ton! my grandmother gave me all of her old pyrex.