Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spring time for Julie in Germany

Wow, this is the first day in 2010 I actually feel productive. We (I really) raked the accumulated leaves, pine cones and needles out of the yard, tilled my garden patch and planted peas. My neighbor (who is autistic, my age and pretty much awesome) helped me dig up some tree roots that have taken over the grass, or rather the area in my front yard that should have grass in it. Whew!
I am ready for spring to come at me in full force.
Because this is the nicest day we have had in 6 months our whole neighborhood was out and about which gave me the perfect opportunity to get to know our next door neighbors better. They have 3 kids all under the age of 5 and Averie has only hung out with them once. It's mostly my fault because I am terrible at making friends and always feel awkward meeting new people.. Even if they live next door. She played ALL DAY with the kiddos. It was heavenly. Next door mom is pregnant (I know! AND she runs triathlons, is a homemaker and like totally perfect bodied, beautiful woman) and due in about 8 weeks so I think she will be pretty willing to let the kids play together so she can be with the new baby without wanting to kill herself. Yay for possible solace for me this summer!


Jess Craig said...

oh my god julie, you dork. i have the same problem though. my problem is that i don't really like anyone and pretty much judge everyone. i think you're the ONLY random person that i have met that has made the cut. all my other friends i made when i was a kid... being an adult is hard.

La Yen said...

I love having kids next door...
And when you come back in July you can till my garden too.