Brad and I have decided that we are going to start hiking every week. Real hikes..Ones that are at least a few miles each way. No more of the "walking to the basin of Bridal Veil and calling that a hike", hikes. For our first hike we decided to do Timpanogos Cave..It's about a mile and a half to the cave's entrance, but 1,000 ft. elevation gain in that short of a distance is pretty intense (if you are out of shape like us). Anyways, we really enjoyed the hike, and lucked out with a really good cave guide. We will be doing this again soon, but will be taking the Introduction to Caving tour where you get to wear a headlamp and venture off the tour with a guide. Anyone care to join?
i hope you got it on in that cave.
what do you mean ew?! i know without a doubt that josh would so be putting the moves on me in that cave. it's natural julie. embrace nature.
Did you see THE HEART OF TIMPANOGAS? Because it is rad.
Yes, and they put on the red light.
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